Glucosamine is an amino sugar, that appears to improve the synthesis of glycosaminoglycans, one of the building blocks of cartilage. Glucosamine is a naturally occurring compound and is one of the more popular over-the counter arthritis therapies. Glucosamine can be safely used in addition to other medications and therapies as a part of the treatment for the crippling effects of arthritis in cats. Arthritis can be treated with a combination of pain medications, supplements, acupuncture or physical therapy. In addition to being used for arthritis management, glucosamine and chondroitin are effective treatments for chronic painful conditions in cats.
There are many different joints that can be affected by arthritis in cats, but the hips and knees are most commonly affected. This condition greatly affects the normal wear and tear on the smooth cartilage that protects the bony surface of the joint. When this cartilage wears away there is a bone to bone contact, which creates the pain associated with arthritis.
Although cats may benefit with glucosamine supplements, a few pets vomit due to a gag reflex. The cat may also suffer from diarrhea. The side effects are more prominent if glucosamine is administered in high dosages. A reduction in the dose will help diminish the side-effects present. Pets taking glucosamine should also be monitored for high blood sugar levels if they suffer from diabetes. Although glucosamine doesn’t have any known drug interactions, cats that develop unusual symptoms should be given medical help. Glucosamine that benefits cats should be administered as a life-long supplement, as the symptoms of joint and cartilage damage reappear once it’s discontinued. Never give cats glucosamine which is manufactured for humans or dogs it might get fatal.