Do cats suffer from arthritis?
Arthritic disorders of one kind or another have always plagued humans and animals. Many animals middle-aged to geriatric, suffer from the aches and pains of damaged or inflamed joints. Some are just uncomfortable and some become crippled as a result of the disease that has been recognized since prehistoric times but understood in only the past few decades. Cats are very subtle in how they show pain. This reluctance to show pain, injury or vulnerability goes back to their wild ancestry when any signs of weakness could be a death sentence. Mostly cats develop arthritis in hips and elbows, but sometimes other joints like lower back and knees get affected.
What is GLME?
As new scientific research uncovers the mysteries of the Seas, the New Zealand Green Lipped Mussel (GLM), a shellfish found off the coast of New Zealand seems to contain the therapeutic agents needed to treat arthritic problems. This revolutionary therapy has already benefited millions of users around the world and is now also available in India. Since its discovery in 1974, Green Lipped Mussel Extract (GLME) has now been subjected to more than forty years of quality scientific research and proven in laboratory and clinical trials, to be effective in treating both rheumatoid and osteo forms of arthritis.
How does GLME work in felines?
The reason for the benefit is that GLME contains anti-inflammatory agents, immune modulators and many essential building blocks – proteins, minerals, glycosaminoglycans and marine long chain fatty acids – all naturally occurring substantial therapeutic agents known to maintain joint mobility & well- being and needed to rebuild collagen, proteoglycans and synovial fluid found in the joints, ligaments and tendons. It is important to note that GLME contains a natural content of glycosaminoglycans. This is the name for a group of polysaccharides which includes chondroitin sulphate, dermatan sulphate, hyaluronic acid etc. These glycosaminoglycans are used by the body for the biosynthesis of compounds called proteoglycans. The proteoglycans have a very strong affinity for water molecules in the joints, to which they bind, and form very large, slippery, space filling molecules. The function of these large combination molecules is to act as shock absorbers and also lubricants in the joints. Thereby reducing pain considerably, and that too without any adverse side effects of classical drug therapy.
What are the benefits of GLME?
The benefit comes as relief from pain and improvement in general mobility. Usually the improvement in these conditions is gradual and progressive; it is also usually long lasting and not temporary. Normally, the first thing to be noticed is a reduction in pain, which is then followed by gradual improvement in grip strength, freedom of movement or other mobility. Besides, it does not have the classical adverse side effects generally associated with drug therapy.