How do you know if your old dog is in pain?
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How do you know if your old dog is in pain?

When dogs are in pain or hurting it can be hard to tell. If you step on their paw accidentally, they may respond with a loud yelp. However, it is part of the animal instinct not to show they are hurting as the pack may see it as a sign of weakness.

What are the changes you will observe in your dog?

Older dogs often show pain in very subtle ways. If you know your dog’s behaviors better than anyone, please watch out for the following symptoms:

  • Limping. By far the most noticeable sign is if your dog favors one leg over the other. He could have a sprain, a fracture or something in his paw.
  • Excessive grooming. Normally dogs lick and groom themselves but it can become an obsessive behavior if a cut is hurting or to soothe a wound. Even if the wound is internal, dogs will lick that area to fix the problem.
  • Weight loss. Lack of appetite can be a red flag for some sort of discomfort. Normally certain breeds (like Labradors) love to eat. Any reduction in their eating or drinking habits could mean distress.
  • Eye changes. Has your dog started to squint? If his eyes hurt, his pupils will get smaller, but if he is experiencing pain in other parts of his body, the pupils will get bigger.
  • Heavy panting. A dog will usually pant on hot days or after they have exercised. However, if your pet is stressed or in pain, the panting will become excessive or seem faster and shallower.
  • Inability to get comfortable. Just like yourself, if your dog is extremely restless and can’t get settled into a comfortable sleep position, he could be aching or sore.
  • Whining and whimpering. Since dogs can’t yell ouch, they communicate that something is not right through yelps.
  • Aggression. Is your dog less social? Has he stopped running to the door to greet visitors? Does she not want to be picked up? Is he normally overly friendly but suddenly has turned aggressive (growling and snapping)? Be sure to check them for pain or take him to the vet for further testing.
  • Behavioral changes. You may notice that your dog is having trouble getting into the car or climbing stairs, both which can be signs of arthritis as well as other ailments, particularly in older dogs. Also look for stiffness or arched backs. The important thing is early detection. If you take your dog to a veterinarian as soon as these symptoms begin, they can begin treatment early and potentially have a better outcome.

While your dog is recovering limited movement and physical activity is recommended. Soft, padded bedding and a quiet, comfortable environment will also help speed up your dog’s recovery. You can keep a close relationship with your dog by petting and massaging him regularly. This will help you notice painful cues early on so that you can help your furry friend in times of need.

Always Remember

Ensure your dog receives the correct dose of any medications prescribed by your vet. Each dog will react differently to the type and dosage level of pain medication so always monitor your dog’s response and if you have any concerns contact your vet.

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